Play a tag game to learn about alternatives to screen time that promote health and wellness.
Unplug and play!
Label each of the four corners of the activity area as a different way to relax without a screen. Use the student handout for examples (e.g., do a puzzle, read a book, invite a friend over, build a fort).
Say: We are going to learn about ways to relax and recharge without screens!
Did you notice that all of the corner activities were screen-free choices? Making screen-free choices to relax is a healthy way to recharge your energy.
"Screen time” is time spent using an electronic device, such as a tablet, computer, television, video game, etc. Screen time can drain your energy and leave you feeling tired, bored, or unmotivated.
The number one thing you need to know is that the healthy way to relax and recharge is without a screen!
Today we are going to learn about healthy choices we can make to relax and recharge our energy in healthy ways—without a screen.
Q: What was our lesson about today?
A: Making healthy screen-free choices to relax and recharge our energy.
Q: Name a health helper you can talk with about ways to reduce screen time.
A: Teachers, school staff, parents, or trusted adults.
Q: What are some screen-free activities you can do to relax?
A: Listen for screen-free examples such as doing puzzles, drawing, writing, reading, playing with blocks or Legos, breathing exercises, stretching, meditating, or resting.
Teacher Note: During discussion, talk about how friends and family can have a positive or negative influence on move choices. Encourage learners to understand that if they make positive movement choices, they will be a positive influence for others!
What will you do to reduce your screen time and recharge your energy?
Use movement to show preferences for healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices.
Play GameLearn about setting short-term goals during a throwing and catching activity.
Play GamePlay a game of tag to reinforce healthy ways to recharge throughout the day.
Play GameToss beanbags (pillows) to hit targets showing healthy choices for bedtime routines.
Play GamePartners move quickly or in slow motion to show healthy ways to recharge energy.
Play Game