
MyPlate in Motion

Teams do a relay activity to identify MyPlate food groups.

kids playing a relay game

Key Message

Nutritious food choices are your body’s best fuel to go, grow, and know!


  1. Identify fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods, and dairy as MyPlate food choices.
  2. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns to game play.


  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions.
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned. 
  • Use cones or place markers for boundaries.
  • Determine how you will pair learners, using best practice guidelines from the Teacher's Guide.
  • Spread 2 to 3 sets of food cards at one end of the activity area.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoost activity and fitFlow yoga.

Warm Up

Begin with a fitBoost.



Say: I am going to read you a story. Your job is to listen carefully and do the actions that go along with the story. I will pause for 15–30 seconds for each movement activity. (Actions are noted by capital letters. Modify actions to adapt the story for learners with limited mobility.)

  1. Today we are going to take a trip to the grocery store. WALK IN PLACE OR MOVE (move arms as if walking or moving a wheelchair).

  2. We will look for foods to fill MyPlate. (Refer to MyPlate diagram.) Let’s get started. OPEN THE DOOR AND CHOOSE YOUR SHOPPING BASKET. HOLD HANDS OUT AS IF CARRYING A BASKET.

  3. Let’s MOVE to the produce section, where we will choose enough fruits and vegetables to fill half the plate.

  4. SQUAT or REACH DOWN to pick some potatoes. SQUAT OR REACH DOWN again to pick some lettuce, carrots, and broccoli.

  5. Next, we will MOVE to the fruit area and REACH FORWARD to pick some apples and place them in your basket. Hey, sliced apples and bananas sound great! Let’s MOVE over to the bananas and REACH FORWARD to grab a bunch and place it in your basket.

  6. We have enough fruits and vegetables to fill half of the plate! Now let’s MOVE to the meat section to decide which protein food to choose. Shall we choose beef, chicken, fish, eggs, or pork? LOOK HIGH AND LOOK LOW WHILE YOU ARE MOVING and look for chicken drumsticks! Show a SUPRISED EXPRESSION on your face to let others know you found them! REACH FORWARD and pick out the package of drumsticks you want to cook.

  7. Your plate just has only one section left to fill—the grains section. How about some rice? Let’s MOVE to the area of the store with rice. The rice is on the top shelf, so REACH UP and grab a package to put in your basket.

  8. MyPlate is full! Are you ready to check out? Stop and think (POINT FINGER TO HEAD) what else do we need? (Prompt dairy if needed.) Oh, let’s MOVE QUICKLY to the dairy section, then REACH FORWARD to choose a carton of milk.

  9. We now can fill our plates with healthy food choices! Let’s MOVE to the front of the store and pay for our food.


MyPlate is a tool to help you make the best food choices. When you choose food for meals and snacks, think about MyPlate categories (fruits, vegetables, protein foods, whole grains, and dairy) and you can easily make great choices. And, don't forget about water! Water is always a good choice.

The number one thing you need to know is that choosing to use MyPlate to guide your food choices means that you will get great nutrition to go, grow, and know.

Today we are going to practice choosing MyPlate foods to make a delicious and healthy meal.


Activity area set up

  1. Each pair of learners will share a MyPlate diagram. The goal of the game is to select the foods to fill MyPlate.

  2. Food cards are scattered face down, opposite the paired learner teams.

  3. Teacher times the activity, allowing 1 to 3 minutes to complete the task.

  4. One partner hops (or a movement selected by the teacher) across the play area and picks a food card. They return to their partner and place the food card next to the appropriate food group on the MyPlate diagram. Partners say the food group aloud and high-five one another. Option: Use scooters; students in wheelchairs can push themselves.

  5. The second partner repeats selecting a card, naming the food group, and high-five.

  6. Play continues until time is up or one pair has four food sections and dairy complete.

  7. Replace cards and repeat play, with partners rotating to a new set of cards. Challenge pairs to make a plan and set a goal to improve their time to complete the task.

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.

  2. Select a fitFlow card and complete poses.

  3. While stretching, assess whether learners can identify the MyPlate food groups. Ask the following questions:

Q: What was our lesson about today?
A: MyPlate food groups: fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and dairy.

Q: What are some of your favorite fruits? Vegetables? Proteins? Whole grain foods? Dairy?
A: Name specific fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, or dairy foods. Let them know water can be a favorite too!

Q: How would you explain MyPlate to a friend?
A: MyPlate is a tool to help you choose healthy food for your meals. It has sections for fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and dairy food groups.

Q: Which fruits will you choose at breakfast, lunch, snack, or your evening meal? Which vegetables? Proteins? Grains? Dairy?
A: Name specific fruits, vegetables, proteins, whole grains, and dairy.

  1. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist to assess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.


Can you name the 5 MyPlate food groups?

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core concepts-Eat a variety of foods within each food group every day.
  • Standard 4: Interpersonal communication
  • Standard 5: Decision-making
  • Standard 7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Responsible Decision-Making

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior

Extend the Lesson

Adaptations and Modifications


Take me to the full list of fitGames.

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