In this PE game, learners rotate through station activities to practice positive self-talk and self-management.
Talk yourself into making a healthy choice!
Say: Let’s be actors! Use your face and body to show your feelings and emotions.
Feelings and emotions put you in a mood, and your mood influences your choices. Stop and think about your mood right now. (Allow learners a moment to reflect on their mood.) Are you ready to make a healthy choice? If not, what can you do to motivate your mood?
The number one thing you need to know is when you are able to identify your feelings and emotions, you can cope with them in a healthy way.
Today we are going to practice recognizing different feelings and emotions and positive self-talk.
Finish this sentence: My plan to manage my mood is to __________.
This PE game uses movement and music to teach kids what influences their healthy choices.
Play GameIn this PE game, learners rotate through station activities to practice self-regulation and healthy coping skills.
Play GameLearn about setting short-term goals during a throwing and catching activity.
Play GameIn this PE game, learners practice making healthy recharge, mood, food, and move choices at different activity stations.
Play Game