Stretch and Discuss Screen-Free Relaxation

Kids do breathing exercises and stretch while they talk about the importance of getting enough sleep, reducing screen time, and relaxing throughout the day.

Group of kids sitting in a circle having a discussion
Small group of kids writing their thoughts on paper
Small group of kids playing fitClub balloon toss game
Kids running around cones in a gym
Girl looking too tired to eat the food on the table
Group of kids doing stretching exercises on yoga mats

Activity Purpose

End the session with breathing exercises and stretching while you discuss the importance of sleep, reducing screen time, and relaxing throughout the day.


  • Identify "recharge" as sleeping 9-12 hours every night and doing screen-free relaxation activities throughout the day.
  • Recognize that recharge and mood are influencers of fit choices throughout the day.
  • Recall "Think fit. Be fit!" as a cue for "know your mood" and "make a healthy choice."


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Have Recharge Activity Cards ready to use. Print the Session 2 Challenge and My fit Thoughts handouts for each fitClub member. If using music, have the player and music accessible and ready to play.
  • Wrap Up: Kids sit a safe distance apart for group discussion.

Talk Time


Q: What's the fastest land animal? 
A: A cheetah! A cheetah can run from 69 to 75 miles per hour at its fastest speed! They can maintain this speed for about 0.28 miles. They can hit 60 miles per hour in just three seconds!

QHow many hours does a cheetah sleep?  
A: 12 hours! And, Cheetahs spend a lot of time relaxing throughout the day to recharge their energy—up to 90% of their day!  

Q: How are you like a cheetah?
A: You need up to 12 hours of sleep too!  Actually, kids your age need 9-12 hours. And just like a cheetah, you need to relax to recharge your energy throughout the day.

As our final activity, we are going to move through a breathing and stretching routine while we review what we have learned and plan for fit choices before our next fitClub session. 

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1. Kids sit, close their eyes, then take 3 deep breaths. Breathe in through the nose and fill the belly up like a balloon for a count of 6. Slowly exhale through the mouth for a count of 6.
  2. Ask for 3 volunteers; each chooses 1 Recharge Activity Card.
  3. Demonstrate how to do the stretching movement on each card. Continue the breathing pattern. 
  4. Continue stretching through Wrap Up and Reflection.

Wrap Up


Partner with a friend. Take turns acting out something you will do at home to recharge your energy. Can you guess each other's recharge actions?
Examples of recharge actions:

  • Turning off screens at least one hour before bed
  • Sleeping
  • Doing a puzzle
  • Reading
  • Writing or drawing
  • Relaxing

Distribute pencils and My fit Thoughts to check for understanding and readiness to make fit choices. This will provide you with information about how well the kids are understanding the fit concepts as well as their learning needs. Remind kids that there are no right or wrong answers. Read the questions aloud:

  1. Circle the icon that represents the fit session you learned about. For this session, circle "Recharge."
  2. What did you learn about in the fit section you circled above? Write down something you learned today.
  3. What is one fit choice you plan to make this week.?
  4. On a scale from 1 to 5, how easy will it be to complete the fit choice you made in question 3? Put an X over "Super Easy," "Easy," "Doable," "Difficult," or "Super Difficult."

Thank you for coming today. We had fun learning about recharge and the connection to the other parts of fit. Here is your challenge to help you make healthy choices until the next session. (Distribute the Session 2 Challenge for kids to take home.)


Do the fit-Chant! 

Leader: Think fit. (Pointer finger pointed at brain.) 
Kids: Know your mood! (Pointer finger pointed at brain.) 

Leader: Be fit! (Show thumbs up!)
Kids: Make a healthy choice! (Show thumbs up!)

Time: 10 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Music
  • Markers or Pencils
  • Timer

Helpful Tips

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