Move Brainstorm Race

Brainstorming activity for helping kids understand how movement strengthens the body and brain. Kids learn tips for fitting regular movement into their day.

Group of children having a discussion with an adult leader
Group of kids sitting together writing on paper
Group of kids listening to an adult leader
Smiling girls showing strong arms
Group of kids playing on grassy field outside
Group of kids standing and stretching in a gym

Activity Purpose

This brainstorm activity helps kids understand that moving strengthens their body and brain. They will learn tips to help themselves move often throughout their day.


  • Describe "move" as physical activity.
  • Identify ways to move throughout the day (e.g., stand, hop, skip, jump, play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.).
  • Recognize that it's important to move throughout the day because moving boosts your body and your brain.


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Divide kids into small groups of 3-4. Distribute a marker or pencil and a piece of blank paper to each group.
  • Wrap Up: Kids partner with someone sitting near them for discussion.

Talk Time


Q: How many muscles are in the human body?
A: Over 650! Some of the muscles, like when your heart beats, work without us thinking. Other muscles are controlled by our thoughts—we tell ourselves to run, jump, and play.

Let's do a Brainstorm Race! Take a moment right now to think about what it means to move your muscles. (Pause for 30 seconds to allow time for kids to think about their responses before continuing with the activity.)


Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1. Divide kids into small groups (3-4 kids per group). Each group picks a person to write.
  2. Give each group 1 piece of paper and a pencil or marker.
  3. Set a timer for 1 minute.
  4. Leader asks "What do you think it means to move your body?" then starts the timer.
  5. Each group brainstorms together and writes their ideas on paper.
  6. After 1 minute leader asks each group to share their brainstorm thoughts about what they believe "move your body" means.
  7. Leader explains:
    • Move is any physical activity you do in a day.
      • Some examples are walking, running, and playing outside.
    • Moving is great for your brain.
      • It gets blood and oxygen to your brain which helps you to focus and remember things.
    • Moving is great for your body.
      • It strengthens bones and muscles. Don't forget your heart is a muscle.
    • Moving is as simple as dancing, walking, jumping, and running. 

Wrap Up


Q: Turn and talk with a partner. Tell each other different ways you moved today. Did you play a game? Run outside? Get up and stretch? Do a brain break?
A: Answers will vary.

Q: Why is it important to move throughout each day?
A: Moving strengthens your body's bones and muscles and gets blood and oxygen pumping to your brain which helps you focus and remember things.


Challenge yourself! Jump rope to the beat of your favorite song.

Time: 5 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Blank Paper
  • Markers or Pencils
  • Timer
  • Optional-Pad of Sticky Notes

Helpful Tips
  • Instead of being in small groups, create a large poster with "move" written in the center. Kids write their brainstorm ideas randomly across the poster. Consider hanging the poster up to serve as a reminder.
  • Modify activity to be a Sticky-Note Storm! Everyone gets one sticky note. Set the timer for 2 minutes and have kids write down as many ways to move as they can in the time allotted. Then, they share their ideas with each other.

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