Help kids to think about their moods and how they have the power to motivate them.
This unit helps kids understand that feelings and emotions put them in a mood, and their mood influences their choices. The lessons in this unit will build awareness of what it means to “motivate your mood.” Download the Positivity Posters and Positive Self-Talk Coloring Pages to help your students understand the power of positive self-talk and choices they can make to motivate their mood, such as recharging their energy, getting active, doing a fun activity, or doing something with a friend.
Ask kids to brainstorm their favorite things to do on a rainy day (or snow day). Have students talk to a partner about which activities listed are healthy choices.
To use this with your students click here.
Empower Kids to Motivate Their Mood
Read aloud from the slides that tell about how Finn and Rosa deal with a rainy day. Which child notices their mood, then chooses to motivate that mood?
Have Kids Think About Their Mood
Key Points:
Help Kids Motivate Their Mood
Remind students that everyone experiences big feelings that can affect their mood, this is normal! Then, ask students for examples of choices they can make or activities they can do when they decide to motivate their mood.
Guide responses by asking about various choices that are fun to do with a friend, family member, or alone.
Students use the Mood Motivator Basket printable to create their own basket filled with activities they can practice when in need!
Today we learned about how to motivate a mood and make fit choices. Next, we will learn about how recharge and mood are connected.
Grade: 3-5
Time: 20 Minutes
Help kids learn how to practice mindfulness at school.
Start LessonHelp kids learn how to practice mindfulness at home.
Start LessonKids will learn that being mindful will help them to notice their feelings and emotions, and motivate themselves to make healthy choices.
Start LessonHelp kids use their senses to be mindful of the present moment.
Start LessonHelp kids learn what it means to be mindful by guiding them to pause and focus on the present moment.
Start LessonKids will learn that being mindful will help them to notice their feelings and emotions, and motivate themselves to make healthy choices.
Start Lesson