Let's help kids make healthy choices by teaching them about the benefits of movement.
Too often, physical activity is presented as exercise, exercise, and more exercise. Exercise is great; however, there are many ways to get the benefits of exercise and have fun at the same time! The lessons in this unit encourage kids to play, participate in a game or sport, and do leisure activities such as going for a walk for their physical activity. They will think about ways they can choose to move many times, many ways, and in many places each day. It all adds up—what's most important is that youth get the recommended hour or more of physical activity throughout the day. For more ideas on fun ways to add movement to your day, read 8 Sneaky Ways to Keep Kids Moving.
Ask the kids to stand up and run in place or sit an move their legs or arms up and down for 15 seconds. Then, have them tell a partner how their body feels. Can they hear their heart pounding? Are their bodies feeling warmer or colder? Let’s talk about movement!
To use this with your students click here.
Choose Different Ways to Move
Talk about different ways to move throughout the day. Help kids understand that moving doesn't just mean exercising.
Learn About the Benefits of Movement
Highlight the benefits of being active:
Check for understanding: What does moving your body do for you?
Get Moving With a Brain Break
Play a game of Over and Under in small groups as a brain break to get your kids active and ready to learn.
Now that we’ve learned about how movement can help our bodies and brains, let’s get ready to think about making healthy physical activity choices.
Grade: 3-5
Time: 20 Minutes
Encourage kids to stop and think about their mood and energy levels. This leads to healthier decision making.
Start LessonTaking time to think about choices is important, we call this a choice-check.
Start LessonTeach kids to think about making healthy choices and the importance of doing so.
Start LessonMaking healthy choices happens throughout our day. Teach kids to recognize these moments.
Start LessonTeach kids to think about how their energy and mood affect their food and move choices.
Start LessonEncourage kids to stop and think about their moods and energy levels. This leads to healthier decision-making.
Start Lesson