Fitness Circuit

Share some strategies with kids so they can self-monitor to reduce screen time and increase play, exercise, and movement activities that boost their energy.

Adult leader explaining how to play a game to a group of kids
Kids doing exercises together in a classroom
kids sitting on the grass and playing a game
girl doing exercises in gym
Adult leader helping kids learn game outside
group of kids exercising on grassy field

Activity Purpose

Kids will practice ways to help themselves reduce screen time and increase movement to boost their energy throughout the day.


  • Recognize that it's important to move throughout the day because moving boosts your body and your brain.
  • Identify physical activities to replace screen time (e.g., stand, hop, skip, jump, play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.). 
  • Recognize that your energy (recharge) impacts your motivation to be active.


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Have Move Activity Cards ready to use.
  • Wrap Up: Kids partner with someone sitting near them for discussion.

Talk Time


Q: Do you know how long it takes for all of your blood to move through your body?
A: Only about a minute! Your heart muscle pumps blood throughout your body, which brings nutrients and oxygen to your cells. Moving helps your heart get stronger, gets your blood circulating, and is great for your body and brain.

Let's talk about screen time!

  • Some screen time is okay, it can help you learn about something or be used to complete school work. But in your free time, moving will do so much more for your body than screen time!
  • Moving makes your heart stronger, builds strong bones and muscles, and helps you sleep better at night!

This activity will help you learn about a fun way to turn off the screens and move throughout your day. You are going to design your own fit circuit. Try this circuit before you start your homework or after 20 minutes on your tablet.

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1. Pick 4 kids to each draw a Move Activity Card.
  2. Lay the 4 cards on the floor in the front of the activity space. The circuit will be based on the 4 cards. 
  3. Leader or the 4 kids stand near the cards, face the group, and lead each movement for 15 times to complete the circuit.
  4. Count to 15 and shout out the next movement.
  5. When time is up, the kids shout, "I will move!"
  6. Choose 4 new kids to each draw another card to make a new circuit.
  7. Continue this process of designing circuits until the allotted time is up.

Wrap Up


Q: Turn and talk with a partner. Tell each other the most useful thing you learned about move and screen time.
A: Discussions will vary, and can include:
Some screen time is okay, it can help you learn about something or be used to complete school work. But in your free time, moving will do a lot more for your body than screen time! Moving makes your heart stronger, builds strong bones and muscles, and helps you sleep better at night!

Get up and move to boost your energy. 


When using a screen, set a timer for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, get up and do some fit moves.

Time: 10 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Music
  • Timer

Helpful Tips

Because this activity involves a lot of physical activity, have kids allow more space than just an arm's length!

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