Mood, Mood, Move

Help kids understand that movement can be used as a strategy to motivate themselves and manage the many feelings, emotions, and moods they have each day.

Adult leader explaining how to play a game to a group of kids
Kids doing exercises together in a classroom
kids sitting on the grass and playing a game
girl doing exercises in gym
Adult leader helping kids learn game outside
group of kids exercising on grassy field

Activity Purpose

This activity will help kids understand that movement can be used as a strategy to motivate themselves and manage the many feelings, emotions, and moods they have each day.


  • Recognize "self-talk" as encouraging oneself, either aloud or silently, to make a healthy choice.
  • Identify ways to add movement throughout the day (e.g., stand, hop, skip, jump, play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.).


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Divide kids into groups of 3-5 and have them stand in a circle. One person from each group will be the "mood kid" who stands outside the circle and is given a Mood Activity Card. The remaining kids choose a Move Activity Card and place it face up on the ground in front of them.
  • Wrap Up: Kids sit in a circle for discussion.

Talk Time


Q: Did you know laughing uses your face and abdominal (stomach) muscles and also increases your heart rate?
A: In fact, laughing 100 times per day is equal to riding an exercise bike for 15 minutes!

When you don't want to move, think of ways to encourage yourself. Use self-talk to remind yourself that moving boosts your energy, is fun, and is great for both body and brain, then...

  • Think of a fun way to move.
  • Go outside! Head to your favorite park or playground.
  • Grab a ball and dribble.
  • Turn on the tunes and dance like crazy!
  • Call some friends and play a game!

As an example of a fun way to move, we are going to play a game similar to Duck, Duck Goose.

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1. Divide kids into small groups of 3-5. Each group stands in a circle.
  2. Give a Mood Activity Card to 1 person from each group; this person will be the "mood kid."
  3. The mood kid steps to the outside of the circle.
  4. Everyone else is still standing in a circle. Give each of these kids a Move Activity Card.
  5. The kids place the cards face up on the floor in front of them.
  6. The mood kid calls out “I am feeling ________ (feeling on their Mood Activity Card), I need to move!” They walk around the outside of the circle, tap each kid on the shoulder, and say either “mood” or “move” each time they tap a shoulder.
  7. The kid who is tapped when “move” is called out steps outside of the circle, runs around the circle, and tries to catch the mood kid who tapped their shoulder.
  8. If the mood kid is tagged, the tagger steps to the center of the circle and leads the group in the move on their card. They then trade their Move Card for a Mood Card and become the new "mood kid." The first mood kid is given a Move Activity Card and joins the circle.
  9. If the mood kid is not tagged, they step into the middle of the circle and lead the group in the move on the tagger's card. Next, they repeat steps 6 and 7, but must pick a different kid when they say "move."
  10. Repeat the game as time allows.

Wrap Up


Q: What makes moving easier to do?
A: Finding fun ways to move (e.g., play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.).

Talk yourself into moving each day. Make moving fun!  


Instead of playing a game on the computer or tablet decide to move! Think of a way you can move and make it fun!

Time: 5 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Timer

Helpful Tips
  • Split entire group into 2 smaller groups to allow for more periodical movement. 
  • Use pool noodle or other soft object for tagging.

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