Help kids understand that movement can be used as a strategy to motivate themselves and manage the many feelings, emotions, and moods they have each day.
This activity will help kids understand that movement can be used as a strategy to motivate themselves and manage the many feelings, emotions, and moods they have each day.
Q: Did you know laughing uses your face and abdominal (stomach) muscles and also increases your heart rate?
A: In fact, laughing 100 times per day is equal to riding an exercise bike for 15 minutes!
When you don't want to move, think of ways to encourage yourself. Use self-talk to remind yourself that moving boosts your energy, is fun, and is great for both body and brain, then...
As an example of a fun way to move, we are going to play a game similar to Duck, Duck Goose.
Q: What makes moving easier to do?
A: Finding fun ways to move (e.g., play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.).
Talk yourself into moving each day. Make moving fun!
Instead of playing a game on the computer or tablet decide to move! Think of a way you can move and make it fun!
Time: 5 Minutes
Kids share about how fitClub helps them learn more about making healthy lifestyle choices like: recharge, mood, food, and movement to develop good habits.
Learn MoreBrainstorming activity for helping kids understand how movement strengthens the body and brain. Kids learn tips for fitting regular movement into their day.
Learn MoreKids practice recognizing feelings and emotions that set their moods and affect their choices. Then, a game helps them manage their moods through activity.
Learn MoreKids talk about the benefits of physical activity and learn how they can talk and sing to help decide if their movements are low, moderate, or vigorous.
Learn MoreHelp kids dig deeper into food choices and healthy eating tips by learning to identify food and drinks that are more or less nutritious for their bodies.
Learn MoreKids play a game to learn about the connection between energy level and the desire to move. Kids will discover fun movement ideas to support a healthy body.
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