Put a Little Move in Your Day

Get kids thinking about how they can turn play into exercise and exercise into play and make a movement plan that is fun and easy to do throughout the day.

Adult leader explaining how to play a game to a group of kids
Kids doing exercises together in a classroom
kids sitting on the grass and playing a game
girl doing exercises in gym
Adult leader helping kids learn game outside
group of kids exercising on grassy field

Activity Purpose

This activity will get kids thinking about how they can make a movement plan that turns play into exercise and exercise into play!


  • Recognize "move" as physical activity.
  • Identify physical activities that can add up to the recommended 60 minutes of movement each day (e.g., stand, hop, skip, jump, play a game, exercise, play outside, take a walk, dance, etc.).
  • Recognize that it's important to move throughout the day because moving boosts your body and your brain.


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Have Move Activity Cards ready.
    • Print a 1 copy of My fit Move Planner for each fitClub member.
    • Prepare "time of day" signs by writing the following on blank sheets of paper:
      • In the Morning (2 pieces of paper)
      • During School (2 pieces of paper)
      • After School (2 pieces of paper)
      • In the Evening (2 pieces of paper)
    • Place 1 of each time of day (morning, school, after school, and evening) papers in the center of the activity space and the remaining 4 papers in the center. 
  • Wrap Up: Kids partner with someone sitting near them for discussion.

Talk Time


Your body uses 200 muscles to take a single step forward! That is 30% of the total muscles in your body!

You can make moving easy and fun! Any amount of physical activity throughout your day can contribute to the 60 minutes of movement you need daily. For example:

  • 10 minutes 6 times a day
  • 15 minutes 4 times a day

It’s important, and helpful, to plan how you will move throughout your day. Move many times!

  • In the Morning
  • During School
  • After School
  • In the Evening

This activity will help you learn about making time to move throughout your day by designing a move plan. 

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions


Diagram showing activity area set up for Put a Little Move in Your Day


  1. Place 1 of each time of day (In the Morning, During School, After School, Before Bed) papers in the center of the activity space and 1 paper in each corner.
  2. All kids start in the center of the activity space and draw a Move Activity Card.
  3. Point out that each corner represents a time of day. Ask kids to think about what time of day they would choose to do the movement on their card.
  4. Shout, "Go!" All kids run to the corner with their chosen time of day. Encourage multiple kids at each time of day. Every corner should have 3-4 kids. If there are more than 3-4 kids at a corner, suggest that they choose another move time.
  5. Kids begin doing the movements indicated on the cards in their corner.
  6. Shout, "Stop!" Each group decides a favorite recharge activity from their corner and chooses one kid to go to the center of the activity area and stands next to their time of day.
  7. Remaining kids in each group walk in place (or leader-selected movement).
  8. Lead the kids in calling out the fit move plan for the day.
    • "In the morning, I will ____________" (everyone shouts out the movement by the "In the Morning" paper as you point to them).
    • "During school, I will _____________" (everyone shouts out the movement by the "During School" paper as you point to them).
    • "After school, I will _______________" (everyone shouts out the movement by the "After School" paper as you point to them).
    • "In the evening, I will ________________" (everyone shouts out the movement by the "In the Evening" paper as you point to them). 
  9. Lead the kids in calling out, "We have a fit move plan!"
  10. Gather all kids and hand out My fit Move Planner and pencils or markers.
    • Have kids fill out the planner with their own personal move choices before you begin the next activity.  

Wrap Up


Partner with a friend and tell them about the plan you made on the My fit Move Planner.

Plan to move throughout your day. Little by little your move moments can add up to 60 minutes of physical activity you need throughout your day.    


Be your own fitness tracker. Set an alarm or decide on a trigger that reminds you to move your body throughout the day. Write down every time you move for more than 10 minutes. Aim for 60 minutes of movement each day.

Time: 5 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Blank Paper
  • Markers or Pencils
  • Timer

Helpful Tips
  • If located in a small space, crab walk or bear crawl across the activity space.

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