Simon Eats

Help kids understand ways to eat healthy. They will learn about green-, yellow-, and red-light food choices to remind them how food choices affect your body.

Kids and leader sitting in a circle
Kids writing their ideas on paper
Kids playing in gym.
Group of kids doing movement activities on a field outside
Group of kids playing a game outside
Girls relaxing on yoga mats outside

Activity Purpose

Introduce kids to the role food plays in fit. Help them understand how to make nutritious food choices by using a stoplight as a tool.


  • Recognize "food" as fuel for your body and brain.
  • Use a stoplight as a tool to make nutritional food and beverage choices: green-light (eat more), yellow-light (eat some), and red-light (eat less).


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Have Food Activity Cards ready to use. The text color for each food word indicates whether the food is a green-light food, yellow-light food, or a red-light food.
  • Wrap Up: Kids sit a safe distance apart for group discussion.

Talk Time


Cars need fuel, and different cars need different fuels. Did you know that race cars need a powerful fuel or they will not run well? Guess what, your body is like a car and your food is your fuel!

You can use a stoplight to help yourself make healthy food and beverage choices.

  • Green-light foods are best! They have the most nutrition for energy and growth and can be eaten anytime. Green-light foods are great fuel for your body and brain, so eat them often!
  • Yellow-light foods do not keep you fueled-up the way green-light foods do. They have more fat, added sugar, and/or calories than green-light foods. Eat yellow-light foods sometimes, but not for every meal.
  • Red-light foods have the lowest nutritional value. Stop and think about your choice and eat the red-light foods least often. 

During this activity, you will learn about foods that match each color on a stoplight by playing a game similar to the game “Simon Says.” We call this game Simon Eats!

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1. Draw a Food Activity Card and say, "Simon is eating ________ ." (Fill in the blank with food on card.)
  2. Kids jump high if they think Simon's food choice is a green-light food (eat more), squat for a yellow-light food (eat some), or sit on the floor and push themselves backward for a red-light food (eat less). 
  3. Read the fit tips on the Food Activity Cards to help kids understand why the food is a red-light, yellow-light, or green-light food choice. 
  4. Mix up the cards and repeat the activity as time allows. 



Wrap Up


Q: You are responsible for making yourself a snack after school. Name some green-light food choices that will be the best for your body and your brain.
A: Any green-light "eat more" food.

Option: Download and share the Smart Snacking Printable Pack for nutritious snack ideas.


Next time your sweet tooth starts talking, reach for fruit! Fresh fruit is a green-light food choice.

Time: 5 Minutes

What You'll Need

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