Use a game to reinforce nutritious food choices.
Talk with students about the idea that food is fuel for their bodies. “Food” refers to what you eat and what you drink. The lessons in this unit use a stoplight as a tool to help students think about their food choices:
It's important that kids understand that some foods provide you with more nutrition than others. Check out the Eat More Eat Some Eat Less Food Chart for examples. For more information about the nutritional benefits of foods and different food groups, read Food is Fuel.
Play a quick game of Red Light, Green Light or have kids explain how the game works.
To use this with your students click here.
Use Games to Teach Nutritious Food Choices
Play a new version of Red Light, Green Light. Choose a game leader to toggle slides back and forth.
Think About Nutritious Food Choices
Stoplights make a fun move game! They can also be used to help you think your food:
Check for understanding: How will you use a stoplight's colors to choose your food?
Home-to-School Connection for Nutritious Food Choices
Print copies of the Eat More, Eat Some, Eat Less food chart for students to take home and post on their refrigerators. Encourage them to talk with their family members about healthy eating choices.
Option: Print the fit Food Word Search for kids to find healthy foods hidden in the puzzle. Encourage kids to create their own healthy food word search!
Today we played a game that helped us think about nutritious food choices. Next we will learn about nutritious snacks.
Grade: K-2
Time: 20 Minutes
Teach kids to identify nutritious breakfast food options.
Start LessonUse a game to reinforce nutritious food choices.
Start LessonTeach kids to plan a nutritious meal, using the MyPlate printable.
Start LessonTeach kids about nutritious snack options and help them categorize snacks into Eat More/Green Light, Eat Some/Yellow Light, Eat Less/Red Light choices.
Start LessonHave kids play a game to help them think about nutritious food choices.
Start LessonEncourage kids to stop and think about their mood and energy levels. This leads to healthier decision making.
Start Lesson