Teach kids to plan a nutritious meal, using the MyPlate printable.
Talk with students about the idea that food is fuel for their bodies. “Food” refers to what you eat and what you drink. The lessons in this unit use a stoplight as a tool to help students think about their food choices:
It's important that kids understand that some foods provide you with more nutrition than others. Check out the Eat More Eat Some Eat Less Food Chart for examples. For more information about the nutritional benefits of foods and different food groups, read Food is Fuel.
Ask kids to turn and talk to a partner about their favorite meal. What makes it a favorite?
To use this with your students click here.
Think About Nutritious Meal Options
Students view the slideshow examples of mealtime choices. You may want to review red-light, green-light, and yellow-light foods to help students categorize the meal choices.
Learn About Nutritious Eating Options
Present tips for making nutritious food choices:
Check for understanding: Which nutritious foods will you choose at your next meal?
Plan Nutritious Meals
Students document which foods they will choose to put on their plate at mealtime using the MyPlate Meal and the Eat More, Eat Some, Eat Less Food Chart printables.
Today we discussed nutritious mealtime options and how to make healthy choices. What will you tell others about nutritious mealtime choices?
Grade: 3-5
Time: 20 Minutes
Encourage kids to be fit by teaching them how to self-assess and make fit choices.
Start LessonEncourage kids to stop and think about their mood and energy levels. This leads to healthier decision making.
Start LessonTaking time to think about choices is important, we call this a fit-check.
Start LessonTeach kids to think about making healthy choices and the importance of doing so.
Start LessonTeach kids to think about how their energy and mood affect their food and move choices.
Start Lesson