When you think about ways to get students moving, you might initially think about jumping, running, throwing, or any other sport-centered movement. However, most of these activities don’t engage breathing and mindfulness like yoga does. We talked with a certified children’s yoga instructor, Katrina Lien, about how yoga can help your students refresh and recharge. Yoga brings awareness and energy to every part of the body allowing kids to feel more settled and focused for the next tasks ahead.

Some of the other benefits include:

Now that you know some of the benefits, you might be wondering how you can incorporate yoga in your classroom, especially if you’re not an expert. Katrina assures that “you don't have to know it all to implement a consistent yoga practice into your classroom as long as you keep it simple and fun.”


To help you keep it simple and fun, fit has 4 free activities that serve any yoga practice no matter the skill level. Plus, each card pack comes with a set of instructions!

To introduce yoga, use the Grow Your Flow Single Pose Yoga Cards. This deck of cards has one pose per card and will help your students practice one pose at a time.

If you want to add storytelling as a fun way to engage your students, try A Trip to the Zoo: Animal Yoga Poses and Breathing Exercises. This card pack gives you word-for-word instructions so you can simultaneously tell a story and get your class moving and breathing.

Next, you can introduce the fitFlow cards. These are perfect for students who want to practice multiple poses and flow from one pose to another.

Finally, the fitFlow activity empowers students to feel confident in all their yoga flows. Just press “Let’s Flow!” and the activity will give your class a series of 4 poses with instructions and a timer. The best part of all – each time you press “Let’s Flow!” you’ll be given a different flow!

Now that you have the resources, you might be wondering when to practice yoga in your classroom, especially if time is limited. According to Katrina, “There is no wrong time to incorporate yoga in the classroom! Yoga can take as little as a few minutes like a brain break with a few poses and breathing exercises or complete a 30-minute practice for more movement before a seated activity.”


To help you get started, here are some of our favorite ideas:


No matter how you incorporate yoga in your classroom, always remember to practice encouragement and positivity - there is no perfect way to practice yoga. The goal is accomplished as long as students are moving and having a positive experience!

If you’re looking to incorporate yoga in a different setting, check out our article on Practicing Yoga at Home here.

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