Just because you can’t take a nap doesn’t mean you can’t relax as a way to recharge your body during the day. Here are some activities to energize kids throughout the day.
The lessons in this unit teach kids that recharge is all about energy—and that your energy is a key influencer of healthy choices. You recharge your energy two ways:
*Following are the minimum and maximum hours of sleep for different age groups as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics:
Sometimes when we’ve been sitting for too long, we can get tired and groggy. Let’s think of some ways we can clear our minds and recharge for the rest of the day. Write your school or city's name on poster board or white board and create an acronym with ways to recharge without a screen throughout the day (e.g., Admire works of art, Balance on one foot, Create a collage, etc.). Compare your ideas with the suggestions on the recharge page of the ABCs of a Healthy Me Printable Poster Pack.
To use this with your students click here.
Consider the Best Way to Recharge Things
People are not the only ones who need to recharge their energy from time to time. Help your students match the object with the best refresh choice on the slideshow.
Brainstorm Ways to Relax and Recharge
Explain that your body needs to relax for short periods of time to recharge throughout the day. Examples of ways to relax include quiet activities, such as stretching, reading, listening to music, drawing, and walking. Screen time is not relaxation. It stimulates brain activity rather than recharge the body.
Check for understanding: Take time to _ _ _ _ _ throughout the day to recharge your energy!
Make a Take-a-Break Basket
Students create a Take a Break Basket with screen-free activities that can help them recharge.
Take the time each day to step back from the stress of a full day and relax. Recharge your body and mind, so you can be your best at school, with your friends, and at home.
Grade: K-2
Time: 20 Minutes
Teach kids to think about making healthy choices and the importance of doing so.
Start LessonMaking healthy choices happens throughout our day. Teach kids to recognize these moments.
Start LessonShow kids how making healthy choices can cause a chain reaction of feeling good and making more healthy choices.
Start LessonHelp kids think more carefully about responsible decision-making. Introduce the idea of making a choice because it's good for your body and brain.
Start LessonWe make choices all day long. Let’s help kids identify times during the day when they make choices and practice giving reasons why they made certain choices.
Start LessonPosition kids to make better choices by teaching them about the benefits of resting, having a positive mindset, eating healthy foods, and engaging in physical activity.
Start Lesson