My Mood Says

Kids play a game to identify different moods and reinforce social and emotional skills that support self-managed and self-directed healthy behavior choices.

Group of kids having a discussion with an adult leader
kids doing exercises in a gym with an adult leader
Group of kids listening to instructions from an adult leader
group of kids encouraging one another
Group of kids making a human chain in a gym
Kids doing exercises on a grassy field outside

Activity Purpose

Kids will identify different feelings, emotions, and  moods to reinforce social and emotional skills that support healthy behavior choices.


  • Recognize previously learned concepts about mood:
    • Mood is your motivation. Feelings and emotions put you in a mood. 
    • Moods change throughout the day.
    • Mood is an influencer of fit choices throughout the day.
  • Recognize that self-talk is encouraging oneself, either aloud or silently, to make a healthy choice.


  • Talk Time: Kids sit and stretch or stand and march in place. Be sure they are a safe distance (arm’s length) apart.
  • Activity: Review the My Mood Says situation sentences from the Activity Instructions. Have the Mood Activity Cards ready to use. 
  • Wrap Up: Kids sit in a circle for discussion.

Talk Time


Q: What does the cow say when he is bored? 
A: I need to motivate my MOOOOOD! 

Sometimes you need to use self-talk and tell yourself, "Making a healthy choice will give me good energy," or " I will feel great after making a healthy choice," to motivate your mood and encourage yourself to make a fit choice. Show me a thumbs up if you remember the "Think fit. Be fit!" chant! Let's do it together:

Leader: Think fit. (Pointer finger pointed at brain.) 
Kids: Know your mood. (Pointer finger pointed at brain.) 

Leader: Be fit! (Show thumbs up!)
Kids: Make a healthy choice. (Show thumbs up!)

Throughout this activity you will learn more about ways to motivate your mood to make a fit choice. 

Do The Activity

Activity Instructions
  1.  Kids stand in a horizontal line (shoulder to shoulder).
  2. Give each kid a Mood Activity Card.
  3. Begin reading the situation: "I am looking in the fridge. I'm feeling _______." Ask for a volunteer to fill in the blank with a feeling on their card.
  4. Complete the situation scenario with the choice you made when you were in this mood.
    • If a kid thinks it is a fit choice, the kid will reach their arms up high and stand on their toes.
    • If a kid thinks it is not a fit choice, the kid sits in chair pose or holds a squat.
  5. Play continues in this manner until all cards have been read aloud.

I am looking in the fridge. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab some ice cream. (Not fit: sit)

I am looking in the fridge. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab milk to drink. (fit: stand)

I am sitting at the computer. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will play a computer game for an hour. (Not fit: sit)

I am sitting on the couch. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab  a handful of cookies to eat. (Not fit: sit)

I am sitting on the couch. I'm feeling ________. 
My mood says I will get up and do 10 jumping jacks. (fit: stand)

I just got home after school. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab an apple for snack. (fit: stand)

I just got home after school. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab a candy bar for a snack. (Not fit: sit)

I need to do my homework. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will go sit on the couch and watch TV. (Not fit: sit)

I need to do my homework. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will get up and dance to music for 10 minutes. (fit: stand)

I just got in a fight with a friend. I'm feeling _______.
My mood says I will grab some crackers to crunch on. (Not fit: sit)

Wrap Up


Find a partner, play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Winner pretends their partner is a TV reporter and is interviewing them!  The reporter asks: What are 3 things you know about being fit?

After responding to the question, find a new partner. If you were the reporter, you must partner with someone that was interviewed. Then, switch roles! The reporters from the first round will be interviewed by their partners.


When you get home from fitClub, check your mood. How is it influencing the choices you are about to make? Do you need to motivate your mood to make a fit choice?

Time: 5 Minutes

What You'll Need


  • Cones or Place Markers
  • Timer

Helpful Tips
  • If time allows, pair kids and invite them to make up their own situation scenarios. 

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