As the back-to-school season approaches, teens often face the challenge of transitioning from the relaxed pace of summer to the structured routine of school. This shift can be difficult to manage as it often involves earlier wake-up times, increased academic responsibilities and the social dynamics of the new year. Many teens experience a mix of emotions, making it crucial for caregivers to provide the right support and guidance no matter what the age. By taking proactive steps to help your teen prepare for the school year, you can ease their worries and set them up for success. Here’s how you can help establish structure and help your teen get back into the school routine with enthusiasm and confidence.

  1. Gradually adjust their morning/night routines: Teens require between 9 to 10 hours of sleep every day. To make sure your teen gets enough sleep, start adjusting sleep schedules at least a week before school starts. Gradually shift bedtime and wake-up times earlier to ensure your teen gets enough restorative sleep. Make family dinners a part of their routine as well. Studies show that incorporating family time lowers the risk of eating disorders, feelings of depression and aggressive behaviors.
  2. Monitor screen times: Limit screen time, especially before bedtime. Research suggests that blue light from screens can interfere with sleep quality. As part of their nighttime routine, get your teens to go device-free at least an hour before bed. Instead, consider relaxing activities such as reading or listening to calming music instead or simply get them to connect with other family members.
  3. Create a schedule: Summer schedules can be irregular, so it's important to help your teens organize their time before school starts. Sit down together to plan how they will structure their mornings, school hours, and after-school activities effectively. This preparation sets a positive tone for the upcoming school year. Don’t forget to ensure that your teen maintains a healthy balance between work and play.
  4. Make space for stress relieving activities: Between school, extra-curricular activities, and chores, teens often forget to relax. Encourage your teens to take breaks to relax and recharge. This helps them handle stress and stay balanced. Taking part in stress relieving activities such as reading, listening to music, or taking screen breaks, is necessary for their well-being. It also helps them stay focused and energetic throughout the day.
  5. Get them moving: Regular physical activity not only improves physical health but also improves mental health. Encourage your teen to participate in sports, exercise, or outdoor activities they enjoy and make that a part of their daily routine.
  6. Make room for communication: Back-to-school can be a stressful time for many teens. Listen to their concerns and offer support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of the school year.

Remember, every teen's experience with back-to-school preparations is different. By providing a supportive and understanding environment, you empower your teen to approach the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm.

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