Are you looking for an easy game to incorporate into a classroom lesson? Does your family need a break from their homework or a screen-time swap? A quick game break could be the key! According to Dr. Kristen Ford, an expert in physical education and health at Concordia College, incorporating physical activity through play into kids’ daily routines can have various benefits, including:

Ready to get moving? You don’t need an extravagant plan or fancy equipment to try out some of our favorite quick activities!

What Smells? This is one of our favorite simple breathing exercises that kids love! How does a breathing technique become a game? Easy! Follow along with these instructions to get started:

Get your yoga on. Who said yoga required equipment? All you need is the digital device you’ve got right next to you—no cards, mats, or clean up necessary. Where do you start?

Nose Names! Test the group’s skills and challenge them to write their names in the air with their noses. Too easy? Try writing their names with their elbows or chins next!

Have a dance party! Thanks to social media, we’ve all seen how popular quick, fun dances can be. Play any song the kids like and get your groove on! If you’re looking for some fun, family-friendly songs, check out our fit Music Playlist! Our songs are catchy, upbeat, and full of positive messaging for kids.

Try a round of Simon Says. This is a great option that can be easily modified to fit any setting or situation.

I Spy, but with a twist. I Spy is a classic game that many are familiar with, so shake it up. Pick something a little more difficult, like an item that’s hidden in plain sight or something that has a unique shape or color, and have the kids make their guesses as a whole group.

It’s a great way to get some movement in and practice teamwork.

Memory Moves. This pattern recognition, call-and-response game is a great way to encourage physical activity and test the kids’ memory skills at the same time. Show a pattern to the group and have them repeat it back to you. Starter patterns can be as simple as different clapping rhythms, stomping and clapping patterns, or making sounds. Add movement with patterns like:

Set up a distance challenge. Pick a starting point and put kids into pairs, then stand in a space that’s 15 feet away. As they alternate turns, challenge the kids to see who can reach you first, moving only one step at a time.

If the group is feeling creative, get them involved and come up with a new game! Who knows, maybe they’ll come up with the new group favorite.

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