Take some time to make the bed. The benefits of making the bed in the morning have a lot more power than you might think. Taking an extra two minutes to straighten out the pillows and flatten the bedding with your kids will help them feel like they’ve already accomplished something in the morning. It also keeps the room clean, and coming home to a made bed is an incredible feeling. Making the bed is an easy chore for kids of any age too, and it’s a great way to kick-start their days.

Morning mantras matter. We all know that you need to brush your hair and your teeth, but what might your kids’ morning hygiene routines be missing? Adding some positive affirmations into their routines is an excellent way to put your kids in a great mood. Try saying three of your favorite affirmations while they brush their hair or practice giving compliments while they wash their hands.

Make time for breakfast. There’s a reason it’s called “the most important meal of the day.” It doesn’t have to be an elaborate meal, it can be something as simple as whole-wheat toast and a glass of milk. The important thing is that you made time for it. Breakfast fuels your kids’ bodies, boosts their energy, and provides them with essential vitamins and nutrients they need to grow.  

Be consistent. Not everyone is a morning person, and that’s okay. Mornings will continue to get easier as you follow through and stay consistent with your plans. If you miss a step, don’t get caught up in it. Just accept it and try again tomorrow. The only thing you can do is your best, and your kids will understand.

Expect and prepare for delays. Just like doing your best with consistency, giving yourself extra time is another way to set your entire family up for success. Waking up early or leaving a little earlier gives you some extra leeway and a little more grace. It also teaches your kids about time management and planning skills that they can use in the future!


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