As a caregiver, you may have heard about the importance of self-care or self-love. But have you ever considered the important role this can have in your child’s life, too? 

Self-love is appreciating one’s worth and regarding one’s happiness and well-being. Part of the beauty of self-love is that it can look different for everyone. Every kiddo (and adult) is different and has a unique way of accepting and loving who they are. Here are some examples of how self-love can look different for everyone: 

Not only can self-love look different for everyone, but it can change as a person grows, which is part of the reason why teaching kids self-love is important. If kids are taught self-love from an early age, they’re more likely to practice this form of self-acceptance when they’re older. Additionally, teaching kids self-love encourages them to value their opinion of themselves which can result in boosted self-esteem and confidence. These skills combined with others like positive self-talk, can give your child lifelong resilience which is valuable in school and social relationships, too.

Teaching self-love might sound great in theory, but it could be hard to know where to start. Here are some easy ways to encourage kids to appreciate themselves.

1. Display self-love! Have kids write things they love about themselves on smaller pieces of paper. When they’re finished, punch small holes into the pieces of paper and run a string through the holes. Then, display their self-love masterpiece wherever they’d like – on the fridge, outside their room, in their cozy spot, or wherever feels good to them! 

2. Foster conversations about self-love. Having positive conversations can be a subtle way to encourage kids to practice self-love. Try having a conversation centered around positive things they’ve done today. Here are a few questions to try: 

3. Model self-love. Sure, you can tell your kids to love themselves, but how can you model self-love and encourage them to practice the skill in many ways? Here are a few of our favorite ideas:

4. Upgrade your encouragement! Instead of focusing on a child’s qualities, try phrases that focus on the action or process. Here are a few examples.

Even though these ideas may seem small, they can help build a positive self-image in your child that can last a lifetime which is why it’s never too early to start. The relationship your child has with themselves is the one they’ll have forever.

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Everything You Need to Know About Self-Care
I Am Loved: 30+ Encouraging Printable Lunch Box Notes
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