When you think of yoga, you might picture energizing stretches and powerful moves that get your day started. But did you know that yoga isn’t just about recharging your batteries? It’s also a wonderful way to relax and unwind, especially before bedtime. We talked with Katrina Lien, a certified children’s yoga instructor, and she explained that incorporating yoga into your child’s evening routine can be a magical way to help them transition from the excitement of the day to the calm of bedtime. “The body and brain can experience daily stressors that can put them into a fight-or-flight mode and make it challenging to fall asleep at night or prevent you from feeling well rested upon waking. A yoga routine before bed can provide a relaxing effect on the body.  Certain yoga poses can bring stillness to the body, quiet the mind, relax the nervous system, slow the breathing rate, and release muscle tension,” says Katrina. 

If you're looking for a way to transform bedtime into a soothing ritual for your little ones, yoga can be a perfect solution. By integrating these simple and kid-friendly poses into your nightly routine, you can help your children relax their bodies and quiet their minds, setting the stage for a restful night’s sleep. So, roll out those mats, and let’s explore 6 of Katrina’s favorite calming bedtime yoga poses:

1. Forward Fold:

Forward Fold
Step 1: Stand up straight with your feet a little apart.
Step 2: Reach your arms up high as you breathe in.
Step 3: As you breathe out, bend forward and let your head hang down.
Step 4: Keep your knees a little bent if you need to.
Step 5: When you’re ready, slowly stand back up.

How it helps: Bending forward helps release tension in the back and hamstrings, promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system.

2. Crescent Pose:

Crescent Pose
Step 1: Stand up and step one foot back into a big lunge.
Step 2: Bend your front knee and keep the back leg straight with your heel off the ground.
Step 3: Lift your arms up and reach towards the sky.
Step 4: Hold this pose for a few breaths, then switch to the other side.

How it helps: This pose stretches the legs and opens the hips, which can ease physical tension and prepare the body for restful sleep.

3. Cat/Cow Pose:
Cat-Cow Pose
Step 1: Get on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
Step 2: For the cat pose, curve your back like a scared cat and tuck your chin to your chest.
Step 3: For the cow pose, arch your back and lift your head and tailbone up.
Step 4: Move between Cat and Cow with your breath, going slowly.

How it helps: Alternating between arching and rounding the back massages the spine and helps relieve any remaining tension, creating a sense of calm.

4. Cobra Pose:
Cobra Pose
Step 1: Lie on your tummy with your legs straight and the tops of your feet touching the floor.
Step 2: Put your hands under your shoulders with elbows close to your sides.
Step 3: Push into your hands and lift your chest up like a snake.
Step 4: Keep your shoulders away from your ears and hold for a few breaths.

How it helps: This gentle backbend opens the chest and stretches the abdomen, promoting relaxation and easing any tightness from the day.

5. Child's Pose:
Childs Pose
Step 1: Start on your hands and knees.
Step 2: Sit back on your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you.
Step 3: Lower your forehead to the floor and relax.
Step 4: Breathe deeply and stay here as long as you like.

How it helps: This restful pose gently stretches the back and hips while encouraging deep, calming breaths, helping to settle the mind.

6. Tree Pose:
Tree Pose
Step 1: Stand with feet together, weight evenly distributed, and engage your core.
Step 2: Place your weight on one foot, slightly bending the knee.
Step 3: Lift the other foot and place it on the inner thigh of your standing leg (avoid the knee). The leg can also be placed on the calf or ankle for ease.
Step 4: Bring hands together in front of your chest or extend them overhead. Focus on a fixed point to help balance.
Step 5: Balance for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides.

How it helps: Balancing in this pose builds focus and concentration, which can calm the mind and prepare it for a peaceful night's sleep.

Here are Katrina’s top tips to keep in mind when your kiddos practice these poses before bed:

Integrating bedtime yoga into your child’s nightly routine can be a wonderful way to help them wind down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. These poses are easy, calming, and perfect for making bedtime a more peaceful experience. Sweet dreams and happy stretching!

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