Packing a healthy lunchbox for your child is one of the best ways to ensure they have the energy and nutrients they need to thrive throughout the school day. A well-balanced lunch can help keep them focused, energized, and ready to learn. Instead of just filling up their lunchbox, think about carefully choosing delicious and nutritious foods that will keep your child excited to eat and energized all day long. Sanford fit’s Program Development Specialist, Katrina Lien, recommends using the MyPlate visual guide to create balanced and nutritious lunchboxes for your child. MyPlate not only supports healthy eating habits but also makes lunchbox planning easier by promoting proper portion control and convenience. “It divides a plate into four sections: fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein, with an additional section for dairy. For a lunchbox try to fill one-quarter of the lunchbox with fruits, fill another quarter with vegetables, include a source of grains, pack a source of lean protein, and add a dairy source,” advises Katrina.

So, how do you make sure you’re getting it right? Let’s break it down together!

1. Start with Protein
Protein is super important because it helps your child grow strong and keeps them feeling full until snack time. Some great kid-friendly protein options are:

2. Add Whole Grains
Whole grains are packed with fiber and give your child long-lasting energy while keeping their gut healthy. Try to include one of these in their lunchbox:

3. Pack Some Fruits and Veggies
Fruits and veggies are full of vitamins and minerals that help your child stay healthy. Try to include at least one serving of each:

4. Include Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are essential for brain development and help keep your child satisfied. You can add:

5. Make Hydration Easy
Don’t forget to pack something to drink! Water is the best choice, but you can also include:

6. Make It Fun and Colorful
Kids eat with their eyes first! Try to make their lunchbox exciting by mixing colors and shapes:

7. Limit Sugary Treats
While it’s okay to include the occasional treat, try to keep sweets to a minimum. Instead of sugary snacks, consider:

8. Make It Easy to Eat
A lunch that’s easy to eat is key to ensuring your child actually enjoys it. Here are a few tips:

9. Mix Things Up
Variety is the spice of life! Don’t pack the same thing every day. By mixing up the protein, fruits, and veggies, your child will have more fun eating and be more likely to finish everything in their lunchbox. Try different combinations each week, and make sure to listen to their feedback about what they liked or didn’t like.

10. Get Creative with Leftovers
Leftovers are a fantastic way to save time and avoid food waste. If you have extra chicken, pasta, or veggies from dinner, pack them into your child’s lunchbox the next day. Just make sure everything is stored safely in containers that keep it fresh until lunchtime.

Sanford fit Approved Snacks for the Lunchbox:
Here are Katrina’s top picks for snacks that would be a great addition to your kiddos’ lunchbox:

Building a balanced and nutritious lunchbox for your child doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on including a variety of foods that provide protein, fiber, vitamins, and healthy fats, and make it fun! The key is to keep things simple, fresh, and colorful. By doing so, you’ll help your child develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

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MyPlate Meal: Activity to Inspire Healthy Meals
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