
Memory Power

Play a relay game to learn how physical activity powers your brain and memory.

Children running to pick up bean bags for memory power game

Key Message

Move many times and many ways each day. Your brain will love you for it!


  1. Recognize that physical activity powers the brain to enhance learning.
  2. Demonstrate physical activity options to be active throughout the day.
  3. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns to game play.


  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions.
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned. 
  • Determine boundaries that are a safe distance from obstacles and walls.
  • Determine how you will group learners, using best practice guidelines from the Teacher's Guide.
  • Determine locomotor movements for game play.
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoost activity and fitFlow yoga.

Warm Up

Begin with a fitBoost.



 Say: Show your preference for each question.

  1. Would you rather play a video game after school or play a sport? 
  • Cross your arms above your head if you would rather play a video game 
  • Wave your arms from side to side if you would rather play a sport.
  1. Would you rather channel surf or go for a bike ride?
  • Show me a surfer pose if you would rather channel surf the TV.
  • Pretend to pedal a bike if you prefer riding a bike.
  1. Would you rather do your homework before going outside to play or after playing outside? 
  • Sit very still if you would rather do homework first.
  • Move your body if you would rather play outside before doing your homework.


Did you know that being active helps you think? When you are active, you strengthen your bones and muscles, and you give your energy a boost. As a bonus, all that blood pumping through your body brings oxygen to your brain to give you more brain power! Brainpower helps you do your best to focus and learn.

The number one thing you need to know is that moving many times, many ways, and in many places each day makes your body strong and lights up your brain!

Today’s activity is a fun game called Memory Power, where you will move to help you remember the color of hidden beanbags.



  1. Partner learners.

  2. Each pair chooses a beanbag color. They will attempt to find as many of their colored beanbags as possible during a 2- to 3- minute round.

  3. On the signal, the first player from each team does a locomotor movement to a Frisbee and looks under it.

  4. If the beanbag under the Frisbee is the same color as the team's beanbag, they take it back with them; if it's not, they put the Frisbee back over the beanbag and return to their partner.

  5. The partner does a locomotor movement to the Frisbees to find a matching beanbag.

  6. Partners continue taking turns until time is up. How many beanbags did they collect?

  7. Mix up the Frisbees and play another round. Partners may choose to change colors.

  8. Time each round for 1 to 3 minutes.

  9. Challenge students to increase the number of beanbags found each round.

  10. Assist learners to make the connection between the physical activity and being able to remember where the bags are hidden. Ask, “Does play get easier or more difficult each round?”

Note: To be inclusive of learners with limited mobility, you may want to use scooters and set up a buddy system to look under Frisbees.

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.

  2. Select a fitFlow card and complete the poses.

  3. While the kids are stretching, recap that they used both their bodies and brains to do the beanbag activity.

  4. Ask students to explain why it is important to move throughout the day. Reinforce comments about the benefits to the brain (attention, learning).

  5. Assess understanding with the following questions:

Q: Was it easier or more difficult to remember where the bags were hidden during each round of play? 
AAcknowledge that it got easier because, after moving, your heart pumps blood and oxygen to your brain to help you think and remember.

Q: Why is it important to move your body throughout the day?
A: Moving benefits the body’s bones and muscles and the brain’s attention and learning.

Q: What are some of your favorite ways to move?
AAssess whether they include different times throughout the day, not just at PE or recess.

Q: What will you tell your family about moving and being active?
A: Movement is physical activity. Move many times and many ways throughout the day. It's great for your body and your brain!

Q: How will you add movement to your day? 
A: Assess learners' examples of physical activity throughout the day. Do they describe the many times and many ways they can be active?

  1. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist to assess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.


When, where, and how will you move to increase your brain power?

What You'll Need

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core concepts-Moderate to vigorous physical activity
  • Standard 2: Analyze influences
  • Standard 4: Interpersonal communication
  • Standard 5: Decision-making
  • Standard 7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Responsible Decision-Making

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior
  • Standard 5: Value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, social interaction

Extend the Lesson

Adaptations and Modifications

  • Encourage learners to set a goal of moving at different times throughout the day with “I will” statements.
  • Adapt locomotor skills and movement patterns to learners' needs, interests, and abilities.
  • Modify game setup so that all children can participate.
  • Play a fit Workout video for activity warm up and cool down.


Take me to the full list of fitGames.

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