Food Unit

Food is a Kid's Fuel

Introduce kids to the idea of nutritious foods and drinks as fuel for their bodies and brains.

child and adult dancing in the kitchen - Sanford fit kids holding a bowl of vegetables - Sanford fit


Kids’ natural inclination is to choose foods and drinks because they like them, or to satisfy hunger and thirst, but thinking about food as providing fuel for their bodies is powerful, too. When kids can see the connection between consuming healthy foods and drinks and having the energy to do the things they want and need to do each day, making healthy choices becomes more appealing. Plus, learning to enjoy healthy foods and drinks in childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy habits!

Lesson 1: Why Food Is Fuel

Just as machines need fuel to operate, different types of healthy food and beverages provide fuel for the body and brain.

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Lesson 2: What Are Your Kids Eating?

Talk with kids about nutritious foods and strategies for choosing them.

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Lesson 3: What Are Your Kids Drinking?

Talk with kids about how water and milk are nutritious beverage choices. Remind them that nutritious beverages fuel their bodies and brains.

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Lesson 4: Tips to Help Kids Make Nutritious Snack Choices

Teach kids strategies for making it easier to choose nutritious snacks, such as having go-to appealing options in mind and planning ahead.

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Lesson 5: Ways for Kids to Set Nutritious Food Goals

Let's introduce the idea of checking ingredient lists and encourage students to set personal nutritious food and drink goals.

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Kids’ natural inclination is to choose foods and drinks because they like them, or to satisfy hunger and thirst, but thinking about food as providing fuel for their bodies is powerful, too. When kids can see the connection between consuming healthy foods and drinks and having the energy to do the things they want and need to do each day, making healthy choices becomes more appealing. Plus, learning to enjoy healthy foods and drinks in childhood sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy habits!

Lesson 1: Why Food Is Fuel

Just as machines need fuel to operate, different types of healthy food and beverages provide fuel for the body and brain.

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Lesson 2: What Are Your Kids Eating?

Talk with kids about nutritious foods and strategies for choosing them.

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Lesson 3: What Are Your Kids Drinking?

Talk with kids about how water and milk are nutritious beverage choices. Remind them that nutritious beverages fuel their bodies and brains.

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Lesson 4: Tips to Help Kids Make Nutritious Snack Choices

Teach kids strategies for making it easier to choose nutritious snacks, such as having go-to appealing options in mind and planning ahead.

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Lesson 5: Ways for Kids to Set Nutritious Food Goals

Let's introduce the idea of checking ingredient lists and encourage students to set personal nutritious food and drink goals.

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